Mother & Childcare

The health status, especially that of mother and children can said to be less than satisfactory. Odisha has got the dubious distinction of having the highest IMR in the entire country which stands at 92 per 1,000 live birth. Similarly 361 mothers in every 1,000 die while giving birth to babies. Despite many efforts at government and non-government levels various programs aimed at population control have not succeeded.
To set the things right, a series of awareness programs were organized in Samangra, Nagapatna, Bira Narasinghpur and Paikaahi villages in Puri district and Andharua, Sikharchandi basti, Bharatpur Basti of Khurda dist. etc.. The participating women were also explained regarding various issues relating to reproductive and child health. In these programs more than 500 women participated.
The occasion was also utilized to immunize 32 pregnant mothers with TT.

As per the census, 25% of Indian population are living in urban areas. Out of that major section is living in slum areas. Emigrants in hope of earning more money stay here. They are least concerned about the education. Their kids are also working in hotels, shops and engaged in anti social activities.
It has been noticed that the most of the anti socials are generated from this slum areas. So we have to check it as soon as possible. Otherwise it will be such an epidemic, survival will be very difficult. As we have no infrastructure our volunteers only mobilize parents and guardians to send their children to schools.

Education is must to these kids. They are our future generation. If their status would be such, then next generation will be in bleak. All the things were explained to them for drawing their strong determination to provide basic education to their children.